LECTURERS - Tentative List Nobel Prize Winner Dr. J.C. Polanyi will be giving the opening lecture for the NATO ASI. Visit Dr. Polanyi's official website
Many experts in the field will be joining us from all over the world.
J.C. Polanyi, Ph.D., Professor, University of Toronto, Canada Photochemistry of adsorbates: toward maskless nanopatterning
P. Prasad, Ph.D., Professor, University of Buffalo, USA Fundamentals of nanobiophotonics
T. Dickinson, Ph.D., Professor, University of Washington, USA Laser interactions with inorganic materials
H. Helvajian, Ph. D., Senior Scientist, Aerospace Corporation, USA Photophysical processes that activate selective changes in photostructurable glass ceramic material properties Photostructurable glass-ceramic materials and variable dose direct-write laser patterning
W. Marine, Ph.D., Professor, University of Marseille, France Laser synthesis of solid nanoclusters Liquid phase laser synthesis of nanoparticles and nanohybrid materials for bioapplications
F. Traeger, Ph.D., Professor, Kassel University, Germany Laser and self-organized synthesis of inorganic materials Laser manipulation and probing of nanoparticles
K. Sugioka, Ph.D., Research Scientist, RIKEN, Japan Fs laser processes for precise nanostructuring of nanomachining Three-dimensional micro and nano-chips for bio-medical applications
M. Stuke, Ph.D., Professor, Max Planck Institute, Germany Processing of nanoparticles by UV laser irradiation in a field cage Laser made and laser driven nanorobots
D. Cohn, Ph.D., Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Thermo-responsive nanosized polymeric systems Tailoring biomedical polymeric surfaces
M. Elbaum, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Optical methods in cell biology and biophysics The nuclear pore: analytical chemist and thermodynamic engine in the cell
P. Wiseman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, McGill University, Canada Application of bio-conjugated quantum dot labels for dynamic ICS measurements in living cells
D.B. Geohegan, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Laser-based synthesis, diagnostics and control of single-walled carbon nanotubes and nanohorns for composites and biological nanovectors
T. Lippert, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland Molecular design of polymers for laser structuring Thin films produced by PLD as a model system for electrochemical applications
H. Ouacha, Ph.D. Professor, Université Moulay Ismail, Morocco Optical gas sensing properties of laser-shaped nanoparticles
R. Haglund, Ph.D., Professor, Vanderbilt University, USA Free electron lasers: biomedical applications Surface plasmon resonance: fundamentals and applications Nanocrystals of vanadium dioxide for biodiagnostics applications
V. Konov, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, General Physics Institute, Russia Optical, electronic and biomedical applications of CVD diamond films Micro and nanocrystalline CVD diamond: deposition techniques and properties
B. Wilson, Ph.D., Professor, Ontario Cancer Institute, Canada Biophotonics and nanobiophotonics for treatment, Diagnosis and research in oncology
N. Petersen, Ph.D., Director General, National Institute for Nanotechnology National Research Council Canada Photonic approaches to studying intermolecular interactions in biological membranes
E. Marcotte, Ph.D., Team Leader, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Canada Nanomedicine R&D in Canada - the CIHR vision Opportunities and challenges in nanomedicine research funding
K. Sokolov, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Imaging Physics, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA Nanoparticles for cancer imaging
P. Grutter, Ph.D., Professor, McGill University, Canada AFM techniques applied to nanobio and sensing
I. Gannot, Ph.D., Professor, Tel-Aviv University, Israel Optical imaging based on nanoparticles and fluorescent probes
A. Bandrauk, Ph.D., Professor, Sherbrook University, Canada Attosecond science