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Optical Waveguide Sensing & Imaging
in Medicine, Environment, Security & Defence

October 12 - 21, 2006, Gatineau, Québec, Canada

How To Apply

E-mail Olga Arnaudova the following:
a. curriculum vitae and a list of publications
one-paragraph explaining why you would like to attend
c. if you would like to be considered for a poster session presentation, please send a proposed title and a brief abstract
if you require financial support, please read below for eligibility criteria and indicate this on your application


 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS----extended to: July 15th, 2006

ASI Participation Cost: $2,000 CAD (approx. US$ 1,700 or EURO 1,380) + 7% tax
Cost includes shared accommodation, breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, receptions, course materials, an excursion and your participation in the one-day advanced technology commercialization workshop on October 16.

Financial Support

If you are from a NATO Country or Partner Country, you may be able to obtain grants towards travel and accommodations by applying to Olga Arnaudova. A limited amount of support will be awarded to participants with recently awarded Ph.D. degrees and others who do not have a realistic possibility of support from other sources.

Advanced Technology Commercialization Workshop
in Optical Imaging and Sensing
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006
Organized By: 
Ottawa-Gatineau University-College Innovation Alliance
and the Ottawa Photonics Cluster

We invite companies, research organizations, and R&D groups to participate in the event. If you are interested in more information and/or participating in the workshop contact Dr. Stoyan Tanev, Innovation Development Officer, Innovation Alliance at stanev@uottawa.ca.

Detailed Program and Cost of Workshop


  & Topics


How To Apply  

 Organizers & Sponsors 

Travel Information 

